Monday, 13 December 2010

Video Production Equipment Checklist

Camcorder - Semi-Professional Digital video Camera (DV-format), with microphone input.
Headphones -  to check audio levels while recording.
Camera Tripod

Blank DV Tapes
Extra Camcorder Batteries
Gaffer's or Painter's tape - use to tape all wires and cables to the carpet or floor.

Small erasable white board - use to write outline notes before each scene. Place immediately below camera so camera operator can refer to during shooting.
Duffle bags, pelican cases - use to store camera, tripod and accessories between shoots.
4 pin to 6 pin firewire cables - used to connect camcorder to computer.
Editing Software - Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 and Adobe After Effects CS5.

Market Research

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Call Sheet

Music Video Call Sheet
Track:  Taken by the Breeze by Les Étoiles
Length: 1 x 194 seconds UK TV
Producer: IGNITION
Job Number: TV 0913
Filming Dates: (During Christmas Period: Nov-Dec)

Name: Fahim Shahriya
Role: Director/Camera
Tel: *** **** ****

Name: Steven Ryall
Role: Main Protagonist
Tel: *** **** ****

Shooting Schedule v1

Here is a link to my shooting schedule:


Les Étoiles is a classical artist from Bridgnorth, Shropshire. He, released his album “To Leave a Mark” in 2008. The album is mainly about his hometown, its joy and tragedies, the town as a container of people, times, love and loss. It is about how a place, or better, the memories of a place, intertwine with one's self, even when, on returning, those memories are not quite true.

I have chosen to produce a music video to the song “Taken by the Breeze” by Les Étoiles (also know as David Fitzpatrick). The concept for this video is mainly based on the idea of memorial – an idea that is mentioned in the lyrics of this song, which is about scattering ashes over a beautiful landscape. To tie in with the main themes - death, our relationship to the landscape and remembrance of the dead - the video will focus on images of memorial benches in beautiful and dramatic locations. This will accentuate the delicate, thoughtful nature of Les Etoiles music. By placing the benches in an establishing shot that reveals their beautiful, often lonely locations and then cutting in to the plaques on the benches, it will anchor the idea of the relationship between the three themes. To guide the viewer through the video we will follow the narrative of a young man mourning the recent loss of a loved one, looking for some relief from the grief of loss by visiting these picturesque places. The video will highlight the isolation felt by those grieving, the sense of time stopping for the mourner whilst life continues unaffected all around.

Music Video Analysis

Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire

I’m going to be analysing the music video Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire. The music genre presented in this music video is Indie Folk.

To begin with, the audience is presented with a still image of a falling leaf against a plain black, Mise-en-scène which is contrasted against flickering of light. which could perhaps indicate that the location will be a dark and sinister. Once the music has began playing, we are introduced to an ECU shot of a band member, which is a generic technique, used to enable their fan base to familiarise themselves with their identity, therefore recognising members of the band when they release a new album or go on tour.

Repetition of match on action, close up shots of a bucket of reflective water and the shot of the artist face is continually switching throughout the beginning sequence, the fast cut connoting the speed and energetic beat of the song. The following sequence shots of the other band members in an open stable with dripping water and flying birds. This choice of imagery and location shows that the genre is very unique, and can be presented in many forms since Indie is a genre known to experiment with choices of imagery.
The costumes of the band are also typical of the Indie culture which although used to be a unique genre in the 80s, is now simply a reflection popular culture amongst young adults. The costume which the band members are wearing consists of skinny jeans, (a generic convention) scruffy shirts, brogue shoes and messy hair, in an attempt to attract a female audience.

Throughout the music video, the link between lyrics and the visuals is strongly represented through the obvious lighting to connote fire, to link with the dominant lyrics “Sex On Fire.” Throughout the chorus where these lyrics are belted out, the camera specifically focuses on images of instrumental sections (A common convention is Rock Music Videos) where the band are playing in the stable. The purpose of including footage of the band playing is that the audience can emerge themselves in the music video, and gain an identity with the band. The mid shot also allows us to see the generic Indie costumes.

The lighting used in the music video is a significant aspect of the visuals, as in order to connote the symbol of a fire, the produces have cleverly juxtaposed dark and light together, in order to present fire looking fierce and dominant.

Overall, the music video would appeal to their fans largely due to effective illusions of dark and light, combined with footage of the band playing, which follows the conventions of the genre. Therefore, the music video doesn’t present any realistic value, because the visuals used simply connect to the lyrics of the song, yet don’t connote any views such as feminism and don’t bond together to make a clear, structural narrative.