Wednesday 16 March 2011

Evaluation Task 3

3.    What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From the feedback I received from my first draft, the general conclusion was that my music video was not attractive to the eye; it was grey and monotonous, which did not correspond with the lyrics - as the lyrics expressed the artists relief from beautiful landscapes. Taking on board my audience’s feedback, I used colour correcting tools to alter the tones and saturation of the video.

The right-hand side of the image below is the final result.

Another major criticism was my shots were not in sync with the track, It was commented that the editing was "unprofessionally" put together. So I went threw each clip and cut the clips so they were in sync with the low-notes of the piano. Depending on the timing of the low-notes I sped up or slowed down the frames to tie in with the rhythm.

I believe that the criticism on our "unprofessional" editing really benefited me, since syncing the shots with the audio track is a convention of all music videos.

My final video gained a postive feedback from my audience.

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